Race Relations

Race Relations

"What race is worthy of honor?  - The human race.

Who, among them, is worthy of honor? - Those who fear the Lord.

Who is unworthy of honor? - Those who transgress the commandments."

- The Old Testament Book of Sirach: Chapter 10: Verse 19

Alveda King, June 14, 2020: "The most important message I can remind America is this: “We are one blood,” Acts 17:26.

God made all people. We are not separate races. We should not fight over skin color. We can see skin color. We’re not colorblind. But we should learn to live together, as brothers, as my uncle Martin Luther King said, and, I’ll add, as sisters, or perish together as fools.

America, we can get through this. We’re going to need God’s help — and God’s blessing."

On August 18, 2018, the 55th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech, President Trump issued this Presidential Message, filed in the White House archives website:

Today, our Nation commemorates 55 years since the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March for Jobs and Freedom, and spoke passionately for his dream of equality and justice for all.

On August 28, 1963, Dr. King addressed a sea of marchers from across our Nation and spoke to the conscience of all Americans. He told the crowd about his dream. “I have a dream,” Dr. King declared, that the United States would fulfill its creed and treat all people as having been created equal; that people would form bonds that overcome racial injustices; that race would be irrelevant to social status or position; and that freedom and justice would prevail throughout the Nation. Dr. King ended his speech with a vision of enduring freedom: “When we allow freedom to ring—when we let it ring from every city and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing…: ‘Free at last, Free at last, Great God almighty, We are free at last.’”

More than half a century after his speech, our Nation reaffirms our commitment to protecting the promise of America for all our people. For this reason, my Administration is continuing to create an environment where the American Dream—and its many opportunities—are available for all hardworking Americans. As a result, for example, we have already seen the unemployment rate for African Americans reach a record low.

As we mark this historic milestone, we remain ever optimistic of our shared future as children of God and citizens of this great Nation. May the memory of Dr. King, and the efforts we have made to fulfill his dream, remind us of the bonds of love and mutual respect that unite us.


In the sections below, we provide facts regarding the two topics listed below and provide information on the records and positions of the two political parties and two presidential candidates in relation to these two topics:

1. Racism

    - defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “ belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”

2. Police Brutality

Use the buttons in the Table of Contents below to select your topics of interest, or scroll down this page to study all topics.

Jack Brewer: We need to address the root cause

“Our Kids Don’t Have Fathers”.

June 11, 2020:
Jack Brewer, preacher and retired NFL player, speaking at the White House, addressing President Trump and other attendees of the President's RoundTable Meeting on Race Relations, who, like Jack Brewer, are African Americans:

"Mr. President: When I walk into prisons - I'm blessed: I teach in prisons across our nation ... men who are broken - the most broken men in our country. Our Bible teaches us to serve those in prison. Our Bible teaches us to serve the poor.
When I walk into my class and I say 'Guys, raise your hand if you've gotten your sentence reduced from the First Step Act.' And every single one of them raises their hand….
That's because of you, Mr. President…. Because of your policy. You are brave enough to go against what everyone else has said about you.
Now, I’ll call on you to do more. We have a real issue in our country – and the root of it… Let’s not get our eye off of the enemy… the root of it is fatherlessness…. Our kids don’t have fathers!

Click the photo above to hear Jack Brewer's powerful presentation in a 33 seconds' video on the White House website, glimpsed in the screen shot below.



Donald Trump’s actions helping African Americans

President Trump meets with African American Leaders and Pastors

February 27, 2020:
The paragraphs below are excerpts from the transcript of the February 27, 2020 meeting of President Trump with African American leaders, many of whom have known and worked with Donald Trump for many years and decades.
MR. BREWER: “I am Jack Brewer, former NFL player. Currently, I’m a professor at Fordham Gabelli School of Business. I have worked my entire life for underserved black communities, teaching my brothers and sisters from the NFL, now at Fordham, in the inner cities, doing community work.
And I got to say, Mr. President, I ran the NFL Players for Obama, and I’ve been a Democrat all my life. And you changed me. You changed me. You touched me. And you made my work go to another level. You inspire me.
And every time I go into those prisons and I ask my guys, you know, “How many of you have had your sentence reduced?” - “ and they raise their hand, I know I’m doing God’s work. So, I thank you for that.
MR. GRADENIGO: My name is Derrick Gradenigo, from Houston, Texas -“ oil and gas exec, who’s been doubling as an influencer because I’m so motivated by this President. Thank you for having me here.
… the Donald I knew enlightened me that a man of his means could not see color, and see a man and give a man a chance - “ give a man a true chance to show himself, not judge him. That’s what makes me able to sit at this table. I’m not a perfect male, but at the end of the day, I’m still here because I matter.
And I want to thank you for motivating me from when I was a child. And now I sit here, all these years later, around the table, with the man that motivated me. Thank you.

PASTOR WHITE: Mr. President, Pastor Paula White. It’s been my honor … to stand with you for 19 years in life and watch you - “ whether it was at Trump Tower" invite people of all different walks of life, from the lowest to the highest in society, of every different type of person, and now to serve you in this administration, I agree: You are the greatest President, and will go down in history as you create history for all Americans.
MR. LEVELL: It’s hard not to get choked up. My name is Bruce LeVell, and I’ve been with the President since day one.
You know, when he said he wanted to “defend the babies,” I’m a rescue baby from an orphanage. And when this President came out and said, “What about adoption?” -“ I wonder where I would be, and I wonder what it would be like if this man wasn’t in office, just defending the babies in the womb or someone like me that was left abandoned in a home. And that’s very dear to me.
You know, I’m one of the largest black-owned jewelry store owners. My wife that runs it, she’s the boss in Atlanta. And, guys, let me tell you, … for the record, this President is about to resurrect and restore black generational wealth like you have never seen before.
Okay? Not only are we talking about building - “ you know, creating jobs in the community, not only we talk about prison reform - “ yeah, Opportunity Zones - “ but how many Presidents says, “You know, you build the grocery store. You build your business. You create your generational wealth. You restore your 401(k).”
Read the statements made by other African Americans at this meeting, including Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the White House website: African American Leaders Talk

White House Roundtable on Race Relations June 10, 2020


Raynard Jackson at a White House roundtable on race relations June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020:

At a roundtable Wednesday at the White House on race relations, Raynard Johnson, President and C.E.O. of Raynard Jackson & Associates, a lobbying firm based in the nation’s capital, addressed his remarks to media:

"I would like to say to all the media assembled here," he began as he pointed his finger around the room then turned to the president. "I wish they would quit lying about what you've done, specifically for the black community."

  • Jackson said they're "putting more poison into the black community than any drug dealer."
  • He accused them of "spreading lies" about the economy, such as claiming the boom prior to the coronavirus lockdowns was a continuation of Barack Obama's policies. "I have a degree in accounting," said Jackson, who hosts an internet-based radio show on the U.S. Talk Network. "I keep up with the economy. They're lying."
  • Jackson asked Reid, Lemon and Martin why they're afraid to have black Republicans on their shows "who know what they hell they're talking about."


President Trump mentioned the Trump/Pence administration’s success on issues important to the black community such as: 

  • criminal justice and prison reform
  • opportunity zones for business
  • the lowest unemployment rate and highest job growth ever recorded for blacks, prior to the coronavirus shutdown
  • record support of historically black colleges and education-choice initiatives

Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Human Development (HUDD), said they were there to talk about "some of the concerns in the black community" in the wake of the death of George Floyd "that have risen to the point that people all around the world are making their voices heard."

  • "This is an opportune time to do something about it," Carson said, "because this administration already has established a record of solving problems -- problems that people have just talked about for many years."
  • "We're all going to be helping in that process, and there are many others out there, people of good will," Carson said.
  • "There are some that just wait for anything to criticize," he said. "But there are actually some people who actually want to see a solution, and I've had a chance to talk to many of them."
  • He wants solutions that will get people out of poverty.
  • Carson said the fundamentals of the economy that provided the boom that benefited the black community are still in place as states emerge from the coronavirus lockdown.
  • Trump's policy has been "a rising tide floats all boats," Carson said, which is why he doesn't "spend a lot of time with identity politics."
  • "We want everybody to be successful," he said.

Sonnie Johnson, Talk-Radio Host and writer

Sonnie Johnson, a writer and talk-radio host, said "the black community is not doing OK." She began by praising Trump for removing regulations and taxation that had "prevented our communities from being able to see sustainable growth ... to get us out of generational poverty."

  • Blaming progressive policies, she said blacks are "not OK when it comes to things like education."
  • "All of these things have been under Democratic control for 60 years, and they are not going to change until we have a Republican Party that is willing to go into these communities and actually offer a choice, about how we can do things differently," she said.
  • Johnson said that on the local level, the only choice blacks have had is "left and further left."

The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the June 10, 2020 article appearing on the website of World News Daily. Here is a link to this article on this site: Black leader unleashes on media

Alveda King: During Black History Month we reflect on our progress and look ahead to the future


February 20, 2020

“When something is winning for you, keep the Victory going", Alveda King wrote, on February 20, 2020, in an article on Black History Month. Ms. King continued:

“This year, African Americans have new reasons to celebrate, and many are saluting President Trump for measurable gains in our black communities. After almost four years with President Trump at the helm, black Americans have cut losses from previous administrations and are now enjoying gains and benefits of criminal justice reform, record-breaking low unemployment rates, increased support to historically black colleges, family enrichment incentives and so much more.

In 2016 during the presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump … appealed to America’s black voters: “I want your votes.” Trump not only made that startling statement to the African American community; once elected he made good on his promises.

One telling and yet encouraging bonus of the Trump presidency is his stance regarding the source of America’s strength: “We don’t worship government, we worship God.” His declaration gives renewed hope to America’s mantra: “In God we trust.” This can cause our hearts to dream again, of truly becoming unified as “One Nation Under God,” and not as separate races, rather as one blood and one human race. As King, Jr said, “We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters], or perish together as fools.”

One of America’s most egregious challenges is rooted in the myth and socially engineered agenda that causes people to see humanity as “separate races.” Religion, science and philosophy declare the beauty of one human race. It’s time to embrace that truth. We are a human race.”

The foregoing paragraphs are Alveda King’s statements, excerpts from the February 20, 2020 article appearing on the website of Fox News. Here is a link to this article on this site: Alveda King


Joe Biden’s record on Race Relations

American Satisfaction with Race Relations Dropped from 51% in 2008 to 22% in 2017: This was the period of the Obama/Biden Administration: What happened?


June 21, 2020

In the 1960s, there were real racial indignities and injustices, like discrimination and segregation, separate seating on busses, and separate bathrooms. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act passed (despite many Democrats voting against it). The Voting Rights and Fair Housing Acts were passed. Affirmative action, quota systems, and scores of other programs intended to help minorities were implemented. For many years thereafter, America enjoyed relative racial harmony.

Things turned for the worst during the Obama/Biden administration of 2009-2016. According to Gallup polling, in 2008, just prior to Barack Obama’s election, 51 percent of Americans were either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with race relations. By 2017, as Obama was leaving the White House, the percentage of Americans satisfied with race relations had fallen to 22 percent. Donald Trump didn’t create this problem, he inherited it.

But why did race relations suddenly deteriorate during those Obama years? Did police collectively decide to ignore all those laws and policies established decades prior? Did those historic monuments that had stood innocuously for so many years somehow become imminent threats to race relations? Neither of those things happened. Only public perception changed, helped along by the Obama/Biden administration and the Democrats.

It began subtly in 2009, when Obama announced that police had “acted stupidly” by arresting a black Harvard professor over a minor incident. Later came the riots in Ferguson and the grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who had shot a black suspect in self-defense. Obama revealed his own biases when said of the anger and the riots, “…It’s an understandable reaction.” He later sat down with representatives from Black Lives Matter for their input. That’s the same group that had advocated the killing of police officers. Despite his privileged upbringing and his election to the presidency, Obama shared their belief that police are racially biased, that they treat black and white suspects differently. He used his bully pulpit to convey that belief to the public throughout his eight years in office. Democrats continue to push that narrative today.

Systemic racism in this country ended half a century ago, but anti-American elements, aided by dupes and Democratic provocateurs, are working hard to keep the contrary illusion alive. They may not all have the same ultimate goal, but their efforts to abolish our police departments will result in chaos, and those who acquiesce to them will be accomplices.

The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from Peter Lemiska’s June 21 202 article appearing on the website of. Here is a link to this article on this site: Accomplices to Chaos



Republican Party’s record

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Democratic Party’s record

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Is Trump a Racist?

Alveda King: President Trump is not a racist

October 10, 2019

The top of the Twitter page of Alveda King states this:
I am the Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Listen to my words… President Trump is not a racist!! He is one of the best presidents America has ever seen! I fully support him!”

Alveda King is 68 years old but tells everyone she is 69.“I always count the days in my mother’s womb, before I was born,” says King, who was raised in the same house her famous uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., was born in. That belief, that life begins at conception, is a tenet that she has lived by for close to 40 years.

King said she met Donald Trump for the first time at a political fundraiser in November 2015.

The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the October 10, 2019 article appearing on the website of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution . Here is a link to this article on this site: Alveda King


Trump “is not racist at all”: Ben Carson

July 21, 2019

Ben Carson, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, told Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures that he does not believe Trump is racist.
"I have never seen anything that even resembles racism," he said. "And look at the policies that have been done and look at the people who have been helped."
Carson said that several of Trump's policies have helped black and Hispanic unemployment levels reach an all-time low.
"Look at the fact that he has engaged so much in second chance for people, you know things other people have talked about but he has done," Carson said. "Opportunity zones where people who have made enormous amounts of money have the opportunity to take unrealized capital gains and to plow them into the areas of the country that have traditionally been neglected."
The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the July 21, 2109 article appearing on the website of Fox Business News. Here is a link to this article on this site: Ben Carson


July 21, 2019

MERCEDES SCHLAPP: Look, I have worked with President Trump for two years and he is not a racist. He’s a compassionate man whose policies have focused on the minority community. I mean, you look at the fact that the president has pushed and implementing the opportunity zones that helps low-income distressed communities across the country, including Baltimore.

You look at the fact that the unemployment numbers for African Americans is at its lowest, for Hispanics at its lowest. I mean, he is a results-oriented president who is focused on helping uplift all Americans, including blacks, including Hispanics. And I have to say I’ve been with him in the room with all these — with all these different communities and he does stay focused on ensuring that we’re implementing the right policies for all Americans.

 I tell you my parents came here from Cuba. They fled Communism. We know the failed experiments of these very extreme ideologies and what the Squad is promoting is that. They themselves have said that American exceptionalism is exported abroad but not practiced here in America. People here in America —

The foregoing paragraphs are statements by Mercedes Schlapp - from the July 21, 2019 article appearing on the website of Breitbart. Here is a link to this article on this site: MERCEDES SCHLAPP

Mercedes Schlapp
Tuskegee airman Brigadier General Charles McGee, 100, salutes as his great grandson Iain Lanphier looks on - at President Trump’s State of the Union address -’ February 4, 2020.

President Trump’s State of the Union address -February 4, 2020.

February 4, 2020:
During President Trump’s State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday night, he honored one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen who stood with his 13-year-old great-grandson, also recognized by the president for aspiring to join the U.S. Spare Force.
“He aspires to go to the Air Force Academy and then he has his eye on the Space Force,” Trump said, speaking about retired Brig. Gen. Charles McGee’s great-grandson, Iain Lanphier.
President Trump introduced Iain Lanphier and his great-grandfather, who turned 100 in December, when he talked about the $2.2 trillion investment made in the military since he took office and noted the establishment of the Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Sitting behind Iain tonight is his greatest hero of them all, Charles McGee, who was born in Cleveland, Ohio, one century ago,” Trump said.
McGee, one of the first black fighter pilots, is one of the Air Force’s most celebrated pilots. He received several standing ovations during Trump’s speech.
He flew 409 fighter combat missions over the course of three wars.
After more than 130 combat missions in World War II, he came back home to a country still struggling for Civil Rights and went on to serve America in Korea and Vietnam,” Trump said. “General McGee, our nation salutes you. Thank you. sir,” the president added.
The Tuskegee Airmen is the nickname of the first African American unit to fly combat airplanes during World War II. The Air Force recently honored the famed group of airmen with the naming of its new trainer jet.
The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the February 4, 2020 article appearing on the website of Fox News. Here is a link to this article on this site: Brigadier General Charles McGee

Police Brutality Statistics

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No. 1 Killer of the Black Population

Edmee Chavannes telling BLM demonstrators in Seattle that Planned Parenthood is #1 killer of black community


June 19, 2020

Video footage has emerged of a courageous black woman inside CHAZ territory, the six square blocks in Seattle taken over by rioters. “Why don’t I see my brothers and my sisters outside Planned Parenthood?” Edmee Chavannes shouts to a crowd assembled in the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) in Seattle. We need you all there. Number one killer of the black population is Planned Parenthood,” she continued. Edmee Chavannes is co-founder of the pro-life At the Well Ministries.

“You get rid of the police, and we’ll still kill one another,” she said. “Why? Because we, as a black community don’t have the fathers that we need. We don’t have the fear of the Lord.” “Black women used to respect black men,” she explained. “Black women have lost their way.” Black men also have lost their way, she added, saying that although they used to fight for their families, they now “just impregnate women and take them to the Planned Parenthood clinic.”

Ryan Bomberger of the pro-life Radiance Foundation told LifeSiteNews via email that Chavannes is right about the hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter movement and that the organization is “racist.” “The Black Lives Matter movement’s leaders announced solidarity with the abortion industry back in 2015; they actively partner with and defend the leading killer of black lives--Planned Parenthood,” Bomberger said.

“A black immigrant female preacher calls out the hypocrisy on abortion, the epidemic of fatherlessness, and the need for God and she gets called a ‘coon’ by a BLM activist!” he continued. “That truly sums up the blatant ignorance of a confused and racist movement. Clearly, only some #blacklivesmatter.”

Part of Radiance Foundation’s mission is to bring public attention to the disproportionately high abortion rate among African-Americans. Black women in the USA are five times more likely than white women to have abortions. According to the Foundation’s “Too Many Aborted” campaign, “over 330,000 deaths of unarmed black lives in the womb happen every year.” In New York City, they say, more black babies are killed than born: 1,180 abortions for every 1,000 live births.

The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the June 19, 2019 article appearing on the website of LifeSite News. Here is a link to this article on this site, which includes the video of Edmee Chavannes at the BLM protest in Seattle: PP is the No. 1 Black Killer

Alveda King: Dr. M.L. King’s advice

Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr., shown speaking following a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump and other faith-based inner-city leaders at the White House in Washington on July 29, 2019

Watch the June 4 2020 interview of Dr. Alveda King by EWTN's Raymond Arroyo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it5S9vjbG8o

In this invaluable interview, full of brilliant insights, Dr. King discusses the ongoing riots, violence and looting and points out that her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, was against rioting and violence and that his movement was Christian Faith-based, whereas the current protests are godless.

June 11, 2020

Dr. Alveda King, the daughter of civil-rights activist A.D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has been at the forefront of the fight for the dignity of the human person through her work in civil-rights advocacy and the pro-life movement. An evangelical Christian, she spoke with EWTN senior contributor Matthew Bunson about the death of Floyd and the resulting civil unrest:

What are your reflections on the days since the death of George Floyd, both for you and the country?

Now that George Floyd has been buried, I agree with his family. His brother Terrance continues to say, “We do want justice, but not violence.” His sister Ruby [says], “We are bringing love back. We know that God is love. ”The most important message I can remind America is this: “We are one blood,” Acts 17:26. God made all people. We are not separate races. America, we can get through this. We’re going to need God’s help - “ and God’s blessing.

What do you think your uncle would say now? What would be his response to the protests?

During Martin Luther King Jr.’s lifetime, he said, “When we learn to value the human personality, we won’t kill anybody.” I believe he would advise us to see each other as human beings, not separate races, not socioeconomic differences. Social gospel is different from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Martin Luther King Jr. was a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He would remind us, “Listen to each other; communicate.

He was also very emphatic on the need to vote. We are in primary season headed toward the general election this year, but vote for those beliefs that align with the Bible, those beliefs that you have, that everyone should have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If we’re killing each other, we’re not having life.

Your uncle, in his speech “I Have a Dream, specifically focused on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Right now, there are some who are saying that we need to overthrow this entire system. Would your uncle have agreed with that?

The heart of a lawless nation leads to degradation. Martin Luther King Jr. supported the Constitution of the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. recited the Pledge of Allegiance. And so, we want to be one nation under God. We will not be able to do that if we allow ourselves to become a lawless nation.

The last question is: What is your message to America, to the protesters and to the police?

Have faith in God. Love your neighbor as yourself. God wants us to be healed and whole. We can do this together. Let’s love one another.

The foregoing paragraphs are excerpts from the June 10, 2020 article appearing on the website of the National Catholic Register. Here is a link to this article on this site: Justice but not Violence