Use the MENU (below) to select any issue and link to our site section addressing that issue.
View the OTHER VOTING INFORMATION WEBSITES (below) to link to other websites reporting on candidates' records and positions and directions for voter registration, finding a polling station, and assisting and monitoring at polling stations.
This page of our site includes both new content and content copied from an earlier (August, 2020) version of this website. The August 2020 content is identified in the headings in the menu below as "The Trump Administration's Record". We include the 2020 content for two important reasons:
- It truthfully reports the actual record of President Trump's administration of 2016-2020 on a wide range of issues, including abortion, religious freedom, the economy, the border, race relations and foreign relations, information that was largely unreported by the mainstream media and is not readily available elsewhere today.
- These facts and figures are needed to provide factual balance to the anti-Trump messaging of the mainstream media and political advertisements, so that you are empowered with the whole truth and are not deprived of significant facts when you make voting decisions. For example, to hear trusted church leaders' evaluation of Donald Trump and his accomplishments in his 2016-2020 Administration as President, link to our 2020 page, Church Leaders' Appraisals .
- For people who feel that other issues outweigh the issue of abortion, our 2020 content provides facts regarding the 2016-2020 Trump Administration's record in regard to a wide range of other issues, including foreign relations, race relations, the economy, religious freedom, and China.
Abortion and Voting is at the top of our menu below because it is a Christian's responsibility to learn the positions of political parties and candidates in regard to "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Abortion" before making voting decisions.
Our Party Platforms Comparison section is organized to enable you to select any major topic and compare the positions of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
In addition to the MENU issues, link to Education: The Trump Administration's Record.
Use these links to visit these sites:
VOLUNTEER TO WORK AT POLLING STATIONS OR BE A POLL WATCHER "Protect the Vote" - Secure elections are the cornerstone of American democracy. Your help is critical to ensure the election is fair and honest. Poll Watchers and Workers are needed in every state. Select your state on this site and volunteer.
- Simplified Excellent One-Page Party Platform Comparison (Download.)
This excellent website provides the following:
- VOTER GUIDE : an excellent resource for every State. A useful tool on this site is the map of the United States: For an example, link to view a snapshot. By clicking on your state, you can:
- Register to Vote
- Get an Absentee Ballot
- Find Your Polling Station
- Learn your candidates' records and positions, to "find out which candidates on your ballot really stand for your biblical values".
- Party Platform Comparison
- Tracking the Biden-Harris Administration For example: "Abortion Funding From Biden/Harris Administration: $479,905,584,775 (total taxpayer funds under the Biden/Harris Administration that can subsidize abortions and abortion businesses)"
- News and Analysis
This excellent website provides the following:
- Candidates endorsed by Susan B. Anthony ("SBA") - Senate, House, and State
- Pro-Abortion Candidates running in 2024
- Scorecard, tracking the voting records of Senators and House Representatives
- Excellent outlines of issues,e.g. taxpayer funding of abortion, born-alive abortions, and late-term abortions
- Informative news stories and articles
PRIESTS FOR LIFE - led by National Director Frank Pavone
Father Frank Pavone worked with Pope Saint John Paul II and Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, both strong supporters of Father Pavone and his tireless work in building the Culture of Life that Pope Saint John Paul II urged us to build.
This site provides a list of candidates endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the Senate, House, and each State. Recognizing that there may be a reluctance to visit this site, we copied this list and created a pdf file you can download:
2024 Candidates Endorsed by Planned Parenthood - 08-30-24 This list is helpful to people wishing to vote Pro-Life as well as those wishing to vote Pro-Abortion because Planned Parenthood endorses candidates who (a) have the strongest Pro-Abortion voting records; and (b) strongly support Planned Parenthood. Thus, you can be reasonably certain that voting for any other candidate will serve to lessen evil. (Link to articles on voting to lessen evil in the Abortion section.) Thus, if you are unsure of your candidates' positions on the issue of abortion, this list is a good resource.

In 2024, our nation is at a critical turning point: In preparing to vote, all Americans need to diligently study in order to gain the necessary knowledge about the issues, the candidates and the parties. Also needed are proper formation of conscience and, most importantly, prayer. Two statements by American leaders at previous critical times in our nation's history remind us of the need for proper conscience formation, necessary for virtue, and the need for prayer:
On February 12, 1779, in the middle of the American Revolutionary War, Samuel Adams, signer of the Declaration of Independence, warned of the need for virtue: "While the people are virtuous, they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."
On August 12, 1861, four months after the start of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a National Day of Prayer: "Therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next, as a day of humiliation, prayer and fasting for all the people of the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the People, and especially to all ministers and teachers of religion of all denominations, and to all heads of families, to observe and keep that day according to their several creeds and modes of worship, in all humility and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace and bring down plentiful blessings upon our Country."
On November 5, 2024, it will be you who has the solemn responsibility of determining the nation's future by your vote: Will America resume her walk on the straight, narrow and right path established by our founders in 1776 - or not? Please study the documents we have collected for you on this site, consider the guidance below, and pray - for God's guidance and for our country.
The birth and growth of the United States of America was brought about by Bible-reading, church-going Christians who bravely sought to follow God's commandments. Our founders put their faith into practice, risking their property, their money, their families' safety and their lives (as treason was punishable by death). We too, are required to put our Christian faith into action, which means voting - and voting responsibly. The Bible tells us that God will judge us based on our deeds, not only on our actions, but on our failures to act when our Faith requires us to act. Especially at this critical time for our nation, we have a responsibility to become informed, learn what God requires of us, and inform others.
Voting is one of the most moral actions you can make, and therefore you must consider Our Lord will judge this action. In casting your vote, you are essentially stating, with your entire mind, body and soul, "This is the world I want to see."
You are voting for the life you and your children will lead in the future of the United States of America, as determined by the election’s outcome.
With this in mind, there are 5 non-negotiables every Catholic is morally bound to follow when voting. These are stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as follows:
1. Socialism/Marxism is immoral: Catechism 2425 states, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with "communism" or "socialism”. For additional related content in the Catechism of the Catholic Church ("CCC"), link here to the Appendix: Appendix: CCC on Socialism
2. Euthanasia is immoral: Catechism 2277 states, “Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable.”
3. Religious Liberty: The state must allow Christians to practice their Faith in the public forum, at work and in society (not just in their place of worship) This applies to people of other faiths as long as they obey the law: Catechism 2108 states, “The right to religious liberty is a natural right of the human person to civil liberty, i.e., immunity, within just limits, from external constraint in religious matters by political authorities.”
4. Abortion is immoral: Catechism 2270 states, “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person.”
5. Parents have a right to educate their children: Catechism 2221 states, “The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute. The right and the duty of parents to educate their children are primordial and inalienable.
Click here to read or obtain The Catechism of the Catholic Church on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
On July 29, 2020, Bishop Strickland tweeted: "CATHOLICS, PLEASE VOTE with a well formed conscience & choose candidates who respect life, morality, marriage, family & our basic freedoms. It is critical that we keep eternal truths at the forefront as we vote. Study the issues & choose candidates who respect FAITH."
The above is quoted from a August 2020 article on the website of LifeSiteNews: Candidates who respect life
Heed the voting advice of other U.S. Catholic bishops on the ABORTION page of our site: What Direction is Given by Catholic Bishops?
Keep in touch with Bishop Strickland and read his articles at
Hear Bishop Strickland every Tuesday at 12:00 noon Eastern on The Bishop Strickland Hour on Virgin Most Powerful radio:Virgin Most Powerful Radio
The following Presidential election voting guidance was issued by Father Frank Pavone*, President of the multi-denominational National Pro-Life Religious Council and founder and leader of Priests For Life (an Association of the Faithful recognized under the Canon Law of the Catholic Church).
This guidance, issued prior to the 2016 election, is as relevant in 2024 as it was in 2016, if not more so:
"The election is not ultimately about either Presidential candidate, but rather the good of the nation as reflected in two things:
- a) What will they do? and
- b) Who comes into power with them?"
Regarding what they will do:
"A vote is not a character endorsement or the passing of some kind of virtue test. A vote means …this is the person most likely to advance the common good…If an emergency medical technician is saving my life or that of a loved one, I really couldn't care less, in the midst of that emergency, whether he has made lewd comments or committed any sexual sin in the past. This is an emergency moment for our nation, and there are only two options right now for who will take the helm."
Regarding who comes into power with them:
"Who sits in the Oval Office determines who sits in the office of Vice-President, Secretary of State, Secretary of HHS, Attorney General, Surgeon General, and literally thousands of other positions. The worldview, philosophy, and policy preferences of all those people will correspond to the platform of the party to which they belong. When we vote for a President, we vote for a party and for a whole army of people, many of whom will be ten times stronger and more qualified on the issues than the President him or herself — and will lean ten times harder in the direction of the party platform.
We have a Supreme Court split right down the middle, and the next President will shift that court strongly — either toward defending life or destroying it, either to preserving the freedom of the Church or snuffing it out, either to preserving marriage and family or redefining them with new transgender definitions. Do lewd comments of a decade ago by one man really outweigh the concern that moral corruption will be set into stone in public policy and court decisions for decades to come?"
* This section is from our 2016 version of this website, when Father Pavone was "Father Pavone". He worked with Pope Saint John Paul II and Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, both strong supporters of Father Pavone and his work in building the Culture of Life that Pope Saint John Paul II urged us to build.
Source: - 2016 - Fr. Frank Pavone
For Father Pavone's guidance for the 2020 election, refer to our Church Leaders' Voting Guidance page.
Live in Southwestern Pennsylvania?
- Download the 2024 LifePAC voter's guide listing Pro-Life candidates and use it to vote early or take it into the voting booth with you.
- Learn about LifePAC on the LifePAC website.
For all other areas of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Family Institute Voter's Guide:
Link to the evaluation of Dr. Paul Kengor, Ph.D., renowned author and Professor of Political Science at Grove City College on The American Spectator.