This sections of this page are organized in two groupings,The Sacrament of Matrimony and Raising Your Children in the Christian Faith, each with its Table of Contents (below) listing the sections of that grouping. To go to a particular section, you can either use the link in the Table of Contents or you can scroll down the page until you reach the section of interest.

"In the final analysis, the key to converting the nations is the renewal and strengthening of the Church in numbers and faith; and the key to renewing the ecclesia universalis, the universal Church, is restoring the ecclesia domestica, the domestic church (the family) that it may reflect the image of the Trinity; and the key to restoring the family to this noble identity is the revitalization of marriage; and to accomplish this, the man who is appointed by God to be head of his house, the head of the family, must understand his meaning and mission and manifest the glory of God in his spiritual paternity."
Devin Schadt, The Meaning and Mystery of Man (Tan Books, 2020) page 6 (See below for more by Devin Schadt.)

"Marriage is first and foremost a spiritual reality. There are four general areas into which married life can be broken: communicational, relational, physical, and spiritual. The spiritual aspect of marriage is the foundation for the other three areas... The other areas are all important, but since the foundation for the marriage is spiritual, it is necessary to make sure the foundation is in good shape before trying to repair the higher stories or the roof of the building." - Father Robert J. Altier, God's Plan for Your Marriage, An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. page 5 - Sophia Institute Press, 2022. See below for more about this great book.

The Book of Genesis defines "man", "woman" and "family" in two sentences:
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply..." (Genesis 1:27-28, RSV-CE)
"Be fruitful and multiply", God's first commandment, means "come together and create a family". Here, God Himself defines "man" and "woman", once and for all, as persons designed by God so that, when joined in the marital embrace, they have the innate ability to create another person, with God providing the soul. Here, also, God created and defined the true family, a man, a woman, and their children. Any other definitions of "man", "woman", and "family" are deviations from the Creator's design and delusional, leading to sad, tragic results for those deceived by these lies.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church further enlightens:
"The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the Creator and endowed by Him with its own proper laws. ...God himself is the author of marriage. The vocation of marriage is written in the very nature of man and woman as they come from the hand of the Creator. Marriage is not a purely human institution..." - Entry 1603 in Chapter 7
Presented here are books that help husbands and wives fulfill their holy vocation to the fullest.
For each book, helpful, inspiring key excerpts are quoted, along with a link to purchase the book from the publisher.
To view any section listed below, use the link or scroll down through all sections until you reach the section of interest:
- Catechism of the Catholic Church: Article 7, The Sacrament of Matrimony: See below for a link to the on-line version on the USCCB website and to purchase this great book.
- God's Plan for your Marriage, by Father Robert Altier
- The Meaning and Mystery of Man, by Devin Schadt
- The Three Marks of Manhood, by G.C. Dilsaver
- Simple Steps to a Stronger Marriage, by Dr. Ray Guarendi
- Consecration to Saint Joseph, by Father Donald Calloway, Marians of the Immaculate Conception
- MORE TO COME: Please come back in a week as we continue to build this site incorporating your input. Check the NEW CONTENT LOG on our Home page, to see what has been added (with the date of each addition).
- "THE FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH SHOW MEN THEIR ULTIMATE PURPOSE, THE PLAN TO ACHIEVE IT, AND THE POWER GOD GIVES BY LIVING IT" Visit this site for articles, talks, and books by Devin Schadt. For example, link to two-minute mini-lectures, "Pharaoh commanded the starving inhabitants of the middle eastern world to, “Go to Joseph, what he says you do.” By submitting to Joseph they avoided famine. Today, humanity is ravaged by a famine of fatherhood and true spiritual leadership. Like Pharaoh, God is calling men of our age to “Go to Joseph.” Rooted in Sacred Scripture and faithful to Church doctrine, each two-minute Go To Joseph episode unveils a key virtue that pertains to our patron St. Joseph and why need it. Ite ad Joseph."
- Catechism of the Catholic Church on-line version on the website of the USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops): This link takes you directly to Article 7, "The Sacrament of Matrimony". Here is a link to buy this priceless book from Thrift Books, new or used, at prices ranging from $4.25 to $15.37. Using this link you can also view sample pages.
- MORE TO COME: Please come back in a week as we continue to build this site incorporating your input. Check the NEW CONTENT LOG on our Home page, to see what has been added (with the date of each addition).
Presented here are books that help husbands and wives raise their children in a way that gives them the brightest future, knowing, loving, and following Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Recommended Home Schooling Programs, including our favorite, Seton Home Study School.
- Recommended Colleges, including Christendom College, Franciscan University of Steubenvile, Hillsdale College, Grove City College, and more
- Recommended books and movies for your children
For each book, helpful, inspiring key excerpts are quoted, along with a link to purchase the book from the publisher.
To view any section listed below, use the link or scroll down through all sections until you reach the section of interest:
- Discipline that Lasts a Lifetime, by Dr. Ray Guarendi
- Always a Catholic: How to Keep Your Kids in the Faith for Life & Bring Them Back If They Have Strayed, by Father Sebastian Walsh, O. Praem.
- MORE TO COME: Please come back in a week as we continue to build this site incorporating your input. Check the NEW CONTENT LOG on our Home page, to see what has been added (with the date of each addition).

God's Plan for your Marriage, An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to The Wedding Feast of the Lamb
by Father Robert J. Altier
For a preview of this essential and brilliant book, and to order it from the excellent publisher Sophia Institute Press, link here: Sophia Institute Press
This life is preparation for eternity, and from the beginning, God created marriage to help married couples become saints. Indeed, God has given to married couples the profound gift of being able to fulfill the purpose of their creation through, with, and in each other. Marriage is a foreshadowing of Heaven, and each married couple must work with God if their marriage is to be a foretaste of eternity.
In this thought-provoking and uplifting book, Fr. Robert Altier unpacks the theological significance of the Sacrament of Marriage and brilliantly explains how it has been a part of God's plan from the beginning — and will eventually be fulfilled at the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb in Heaven. Teeming with practical wisdom and clear examples, these pages delve into the surpassing dignity of marriage as a covenant and a sacrament — and a call to holiness.
You will learn how the graces and virtues that are conferred in the Sacrament of Marriage transform the unity of the couple — not just in the flesh but in the heart and soul. You'll learn how to predispose yourself to receive this divine power and, best of all, how to love your spouse more deeply. You will also explore the significance of marriage vows and how men are called to be the spiritual leaders and women are called to be the heart of their families.
Fr. Altier tackles contemporary questions and concerns, such as the real meaning of “being subject to one another in marriage” and those sensitive and controversial issues regarding sexual morality. Arguably one of the most theologically eye-opening books on marriage ever written, this book also explains:
The definitive reasons why marriage can exist only between a man and a woman
How the married couple embodies the life-giving love of the Most Blessed Trinity
Why the Sacrament of Marriage makes the couple a new creation
The characteristics of true love and how to love with heroic charity
How to avoid settling for mediocrity in love and service to others
The vital connection between Baptism, Marriage, and the Holy Eucharist
Why you must become vulnerable in love in order to become receptive to love
How marriage leads to overcoming sinful tendencies and makes saints
The necessity of prayer in marriage for the individual, the couple, and the family
How a deeper theological understanding of the Holy Eucharist and Marriage deepens marital intimacy
Why “the two becoming one” in marriage is foremost a spiritual union

"According to St. Thomas Aquinas, that which is last in execution is first in God's intention... In the Book of Genesis, the woman is created last, which indicates ... that she is first in God's intention. Woman is the pinnacle of creation. She embodies beauty, fruitfulness, and the perpetuation of the life cycle... The woman alone is the life-bearer, as the name Eve signifies. (Hebrew chavah/Havah - chavah, to breathe, and charyah, to live or give life)"
"The man is responsible to God for the woman and her unique ability to form, bear, and nurture life. The man has been given the noble duty to ensure that the pinnacle of created beauty stands untouched and unstained by the devil."
"The true man stands in the breach between the woman and the world, between her sacred mystery and the secular.'*
As per Ephesians 5:22-25, 28, "love is synonymous with sacrifice and headship is synonymous with being a savior; and a savior delivers himself up in sacrifice for his wife."
The above is from "The Meaning and Mystery of Man" by Devin Schadt. Link here for additional excerpts. To order this indispensable book and read reviews and an overview, link to the publisher here: TAN BOOKS.

"As the forces of darkness rage against the once-sacrosanct and indomitable institution of the family, chosen men are again called to rise up and wield with manly fortitude and love the singular staff of patriarchy: a staff that is as one and the same time Scepter, Crosier and Cross. Such is the commission of Christ in these times of dark crisis to those that would lead the Church and the family in His stead until He comes again in glory."
"There is no greater cause or faith than the Catholic Faith... For the Catholic, the cause of the Faith necessarily entails the the cause of the family, that is, the domestic church."
"From the cause of Faith and family, all true and just Catholic patriotic and political causes flow. Even for non-Catholics and in the realm of secular politics the good of the family, which is the basic and prerequisite unit of society, properly remains the touchstone of patriotism and politics."
"When danger threatened the Holy Family itself and leadership and action were required, the angel of God bypassed Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother and spoke to the head of that family, St. Joseph, the Light of Patriarchs."
"St. Paul admonishes husbands to follow Christ's example of love for His bride the Church. It is a husband's duty then to provide his wife and his children with a Catholic cloistered environment... In accord with St. Paul's further exhortation, a husband must be ready to give up his very life (as Christ himself did) to have such a wife and create such a home (Ephesians 5:25-27)"
"A holy wife... is the pivotal domestic principle. Upon it the development of a Catholic lifestyle and culture depends."
The above is from "The Three Marks of Manhood" by G.C. Dilsaver. Link here for additional excerpts. To order this indispensable book, read reviews and an overview, link to the publisher here: TAN BOOKS.

Marriage expert Dr. Ray Guarendi has learned, through counselling many couples, that the secrets to building a better relationship with your spouse don’t need to include learning exotic new communication techniques or rearranging your lifestyle. In fact, several are so simple that you likely learned them in grade school.
In his lighthearted style, Dr. Ray explains that the secret of a good marriage is applying a handful of commonsense, time-tested ideas practiced by others who have done it well. Each chapter in this book presents a baby step you can take, encouragement to overcome resistance to taking the step, and a fictional couple in dialogue with an anonymous therapist (guess who!)
Simple Steps reminds you that a happier, more rewarding marriage is achievable. You will learn how to make basic changes that will leave “daily discontent” behind and create a positive chain reaction in both your marriage and your family. Dr. Ray even shows how couples on the brink of separation can restore healing and intimacy to their marriage.
With the Doctor’s advice, you will learn:
- The importance of developing the habit of saying “I’m sorry” (with apologies to Erich Segal!)
- Why silence can truly be golden (and how to really listen!)
- How to be polite when you don’t feel like it and how to ask constructive questions
- Tips on how husbands can support their wives in parenting (it’s easier than you think!)
- How living by the “Just don’t say it” philosophy is a game changer
- How “touch says much,” and why affection sometimes chills in a marriage
Moreover, you will see how simple manners can transform your relationship, and you will gain pointers on how to give meaningful praise to your spouse.
The above is from the website of Dr. Ray Guarendi. Use this link to order this book; learn about Dr. Ray and his other books. Dr. Ray is a Catholic father of ten, clinical psychologist, author, professional speaker, and national radio & television host. His radio show, “The Dr. Is In” can be heard on over 440 stations and SiriusXM® channel 130. His EWTN television series, “Living Right With Dr. Ray” is aired in 140 countries. Dr. Ray has given over 3,000 talks on various topics including parenting, marriage, family and the Catholic faith. He captivates audiences with his compelling humor-laced presentations providing practical advice and proven techniques.

Discipline that Lasts a Lifetime, by Dr. Ray Guarendi
This book focuses directly on discipline, answering more than 100 of the most common and most frustrating discipline dilemmas parents face: Sibling quibbling, backtalk, bedtime badtimes, temper tempests, whining, birth order, “strong-willed” conduct. If kids do it, and parents face it, Discipline That Lasts a Lifetime aims to answer it.
Packed with plenty of real life ideas, this book will improve your self-confidence, authority and peace of mind as a parent. Shunning psychobabble and psychological correctness, its goal is to put the grown up in the family in charge. And when parents rule with love and discipline, children benefit in ways that last a lifetime.
Topics include:
- Discipline is love in action
- Psychological correctness and other disciplinary worries
- Discipline and the nature of kids
- Misbehavior in word and deed
- Disciplining against the flow
The content above is from Dr. Ray's website . Use this link to order this book and to learn more about Dr. Ray and his other books.

Always a Catholic: How to Keep Your Kids in the Faith for Life & Bring Them Back If They Have Strayed, by Father Sebastian Walsh, O. Praem.
Most Catholic parents agree: our number-one goal in life is to pass on the Faith to our children.
But here’s the bad news: today’s world has a million ways to steal your kids’ souls. From sects to sex, from atheism to consumerism, rivals to Catholic doctrine and morals want to snatch your children away from their baptismal heritage and eternal destiny.
Don’t be afraid, says Fr. Sebastian Walshe (Secrets from Heaven). Because there’s good news that’s more powerful than the world’s temptations: God loves your children even more than you do, and he desires their salvation more than anything. In Always a Catholic, Fr. Walshe shows you how to cooperate with God to bring about the fulfilment of his will for your kids.
There are lots of Catholic parenting books promising results with this or that system or trick. But although it contains solid practical counsel, Always a Catholic reminds us that keeping our kids in the Faith (or helping them get back to it) is more than a matter of technique. Above all, it’s about the way we live out Catholicism—in our own lives and as a family—from day to day.
Fr. Walshe gives you the principles—drawn from Catholic teaching, truths of human nature, and the best habits of successful Catholic families—that you need to transmit the joy and confidence that will keep your kids in the Faith for life. The world and the devil don’t stand a chance!
Link here for a two-minutes' interview with the author and to buy this book (and other great books!) from the highly recommended publisher, Catholic Answers Press:
You can also buy great children's books at Catholic Answers Press, including books on Saint Carlo Acutis and other saints. Here is a link to the books for children: