Throughout our website we provide links to specific articles in other websites, naming the website in each case. After you click on the link and read the linked article, the browser back arrow brings you back to where you were reading in our site.

In the following sections of this page, we provide links to the home pages of websites that we recommend as trustworthy resources. By perusing this page you will see most of the sites to which we link throughout our website, to share articles that are pertinent to each topic that we address. Refer also to our FAITH page for the websites of bishops and priests whose websites we refer to and link to.



Link directly to each site's home page:







MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER and MRCTV.ORG/CNSNEWS "The mission of The Media Research Center is to document and combat the falsehoods and censorship of the news media, entertainment media and Big Tech in order to defend and preserve America's founding principles and Judeo-Christian values."



Imprimis, Monthly Publication of Hillsdale College


 In addition to the good shepherds listed on our FAITH page, we highly recommend the following resources for keeping up to date with insights into recent developments in the Catholic Church, in society, in government, and in politics:

Terry Barber and Jesse Romero on

The Remnant, A National Catholic Newspaper established in 1967 - Michael Matt

Remnant TV

Dr. Taylor Marshall Traditional Catholic News to Keep You Informed

Lepanto Institute The Lepanto Institute site provides Charity Reports, identifying "Safe" charities and those that are "Not Safe", stating if the charity facilitates or does not facilitate each of the following categories, Abortion, Birth Control, LGBT activism, Marxism, and Heresy.

U.S. Grace Force, with Father Richard Heilman and Doug Barry: Link to the October 30th edition with Father Chris Alar, MIC, "The Moral Responsibility of a Catholic in This Historic Election"on YouTube: "There is a moral obligation, that every Catholic and ultimately every Christian, must use our God-given voices to put into power leaders who will uphold the truth of the 3 basic non-negotiables that will protect and preserve society. Fr. Chris Alar explains that if we do not make the better choices in this historic election, and every election, then we run the risk of our country actually ceasing to exist."

Read Father Alar's bio and learn about his numerous highly recommended talks, videos and programs.


Huckabee Show on

The World Over, hosted by Raymond Arroyo on EWTN

Faith and Reason, on LifeSiteNews TV: John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright

CHURCH&STATE on The Fatima Center ( - (biweekly) - Brian McCall of Catholic Family News and Christopher Ferrara, President and Chief Counsel of the American Lawyers Association


  • October 30: Father Chris Alar on the U.S. Grace Force: The Moral Responsibility of a Catholic in This Historic Election: on YouTube: U.S. Grace Force episode of October 30, with Father Richard Heilman and Doug Barry: "There is a moral obligation, that every Catholic and ultimately every Christian, must use our God-given voices to put into power leaders who will uphold the truth of the 3 basic non-negotiables that will protect and preserve society. Fr. Chris Alar explains that if we do not make the better choices in this historic election, and every election, then we run the risk of our country actually ceasing to exist.
  • October 22: Archbishop Viganò endorses Trump, tells Catholics abstaining ‘means allying oneself with the enemy’ LIFE SITE NEWS
  • Dr. Ben Carson interviewed by Tucker Carlson: Hear Dr. Carson's brilliant insights re Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, vaccine mandares (at 1:30), abortion, why he switched from a Democrat to a Republican: LifeSiteNews: Ben Carson Interview
  • The Facts Behind Biden-Harris Admin’s Loss of 300K Migrant Kids - on The Daily Signal, August 23
  • Kamala Harris’s First Campaign Ad touts Abortion, Trans Pride, Trump Lawfare, and Beyoncé
  •  Kamala Harris would ‘eliminate religious freedom,’ has ‘extreme’ anti-Catholic agenda: Catholic leaders": LifeSiteNews-Kamala Harris


  • I highly recommend the “HolyFamilyHelp.Us” website! It is a wonderful, concise, and comprehensive resource to educate Catholic and all Christian voters as to our responsibility to do everything in our power to lessen evil, especially when it comes to defending the most defenseless of our human race. Please use this resource to educate everyone in your church. - Nikki Bruni, Director of the Pittsburgh Chapter of 40 Days for Life (since 2010) and Catholic Church member (Diocese of Pittsburgh)
  • is truly amazing. I have been sharing it with everyone. You did such a wonderful job! – Val, 40 Days for Life Volunteer and Catholic Church member (Diocese of Pittsburgh)
  • is a very comprehensive and informative website for Catholics and Protestants, for voting decisions and more – Sheila, 40 Days for Life Volunteer and Catholic Church member (Diocese of Pittsburgh)
  • I am very impressed with the "Holy Family Help Us" Website. It is a powerful resource that addresses the major dilemma of our times, the killing of our unborn children. It has comprehensive content educating on how to truly fight this spiritual battle. Navigation on this website is quite easy. Please share and use this website so we can, once and for all, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves in all ways possible and to support families that are the nucleus for our society - Anita Theiss, R.N., Executive Director/Secretary for LifePAC, Regional Coordinator for the March for Life for People Concerned for the Unborn Child (PCUC), Catholic Church Member (Diocese of Pittsburgh)