Learn about abortion, euthanasia, and other matters of life and death from sacred scripture, renowned doctors, and Christian Faith leaders, including Protestant pastors, Roman Catholic Bishops, and the Knights of Columbus.
- Use the buttons below to link to the topics that interest you, or scroll down to view them all.
- Link to the Abortion and Voting section on our VOTE JUSTLY page for information you need to vote knowledgably
NOTE: Much of the content of this page appeared in an earlier version of our website, circa August to November of 2020, and is still relevant in August, 2024.
Before you delve into the content below, take 5 minutes to see what abortion is and what it does.
First, take 3 minutes to view the video "Olivia" to see the beautiful development of a baby from conception to birth:
Then, take 2 minutes to watch an obstetrician demonstrate the abortion procedure in his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee: